Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hearing today

The High Court hearing for interim orders is at noon today … how ironic … "high noon!" Everything is as prepared and ready as can be. Unfortunately we have no barrister but I will do my absolute best for us all. Although we have had a lot of behind the scenes assistance from a certain Barrister in the mainland (you know who you are.)The judge today is Justice Mackenzie. We have a backup plan in case the interim order is not granted. Gun City and New Zealand Ammunition have given me written permission to join them to the proceeding as additional plaintiffs. They are able to show substantial loss / potential loss from the unlawful misinterpretation policy of Police. We can revisit the question of interim orders with them onboard - if we have to.

Now if you will excuse me I have to go throw the polar fleece in the wash and dust off the suit and tie! Will update this evening.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Richard.